Password reset

The instructions for resetting a password are below. If you are automatically logged in when you go to, you'll need to click on your picture/initials in the upper-right corner and sign out before you'll see the login window shown in the first screenshot.

To change or reset your Darden account password:

Open an Incognito (Chrome)InPrivate (Edge), or Private (Safari) browser window and navigate to

Enter your [username] and click Next:


Click "Forgot my password" link:


 Verify your email/username, validate Captcha, click Next:


Select "I forgot my password" and click Next:


You will need to verify your identity by entering unique codes that will be sent to both an alternate email and by text or call to a mobile phone:


**If you have not set up the alternate authentication methods or if they are not correct, you will need to contact the Darden Service Desk (434-924-3276) for further assistance (for identity verification, you will be asked for a picture of yourself holding a government-issued photo ID)**


 After correctly entering the codes, you will be able to reset your password:


The password requirements are as follows:

  1. 14 character minimum and 3 of the 4 below.                              
  2. Upper case letter
  3. Lower case letter
  4. Number
  5. Special character

Note: Your password cannot contain any part of your username

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