Recommended Minimum Computer Specs for 2024-25

Basic specifications recommended for all devices:


· CPUIntel i7 or AMD Ryzen 7 (ARM and M1/M2 processors cannot run all software that will be used during your time as a student at Darden.)

· Hard Drive512GB SSD (It’s very important that it meets this minimum.)

· Memory32GB RAM

· Screen1440 x 900 Resolution

· Warranty2-year accidental damage warranty and next-day on-site repairs (i.e. Dell Premium Support Plus)


If you are interested in purchasing a new computer, Darden has teamed up with Cavalier Computers to offer the “Darden bundle”. This bundle includes a Dell or Lenovo laptop that meets the above specifications, a two-year license for Foxit PDF Editor, and full hardware support by the Darden Service Desk.


A word about Macs


During your time at Darden, you will be required to use the Palisade DecisionTools suite (often referred to as "StatTools"), which is only compatible with Windows. While it is possible for an M1- or M2-based Mac to run "Windows 11 on ARM" via Parallels Desktop version 18 or higher, the DecisionTools suite is not compatible with those ARM-based versions of Windows. As stated by Palisade:

When emulating a Windows 11 or Windows 10 virtual environment using a macOS computer with M1 or M2 chips, we can not certify that @RISK or any other add-in from our suite will fully function as you may encounter unpredictable behaviors external to Palisade.


To get around this limitation, the Darden Service Desk has created a virtual Windows Desktop app for students to use on their Mac laptops for this required software. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Service Desk by emailing, submitting a ticket through the Service Desk portal, or by calling 434-924-3276 between the hours of 8am-12pm or 1-5pm, M-F.

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